Our musical genealogy


1972 -3


Lonene-Paul Gateshill, Kevan Bundell, Dave Cledwyn(all at Price’s Grammar School, Fareham), Jackie White, Jonathan Kirton, Tracey Coles.

“Not Loxene, nor Lonene Donegan” quoth Paul who had invented her – Lonene, our theme song and his imaginary companion with long blond hair and no doubt other attributes beside. . . .  A time of nature mysticism; elves, dwarves and dragons; and questionable theology . . . .

Taped material from 1973, including live at a Price’s Folk Concert, available on CD on very special request.  

Paul and Kevan in Exmoor, 1972.










Autumn Stone  – Dave Natt , Ivor Bundell, Stephen Gobles. 

Formed by then current editors of the notorious “Black Lion” as a vehicle for early musical ventures.


Spirits Rebellious – Paul Gateshill,  Kevan Bundell, Jonathan Kirton, Andy Vores. 

Also known as Spirits Rebilious. A brief (and best forgotten) foray following Jonathan into Country & Western, corrupted utterly by Andy introducing then current pop hits such as Gary Glitter’s “D’ya wanna be in my gang ?”and Sweet’s truly dreadful “Wig Wam Bam.” The band performed in public twice. It was enough. Fortunately no recordings of these temporarily lost souls exist.


PINT-Paul McNeil/Penny Barnard, Ivor Bundell, Neil Pritchard, Tracy Coles.

Neil and Ivor writing and arranging their own songs – and inviting others to help perform them !

Grass Roots– Gerry Pigney, Garry Meek, Ivor Bundell. Byrds & Dylan covers, “Movin’ On”. Having fun, and a chance for Gary to let his hair down!  (Ah those were the days – hair !)

Andy Vores’ Band – Andy Vores, Mick Daysh, Tracy Coles, Ivor Bundell, Liz Kearns (dance). This was a band brought together especially for a Price’s Concert in 1974. Featuring Ivor as the evil and irreversable Dr Moloch – and there’s a tape to prove it !

Peter Doggett and Ivor Bundell – Beatles and Dylan covers.

1975 – 77

Presence – Original line up on the LP of the same name (1976) Paul Gateshill, Veronica Towers, Mike Waiting, Ivor and Kevan Bundell. Later joined by Pete Moss. Performed at ecumenical youth festivals in Rome, Berlin, Belgium, Holland and London (including the Roundhouse), as well as shows in Leeds, Lancaster University and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Published by New City, the publishing arm of the Focolare Movement.

A 40th Anniversary Edition double CD released in 2016 (See below).


Kevan – jigs and reels mostly, with Marg Hall and Colin Wilson in Pencaitland and Edinburgh.


Ivor– solo in Paris, Spain and Egypt including “Take One”, a taped collection of original songs recorded in Egypt with Norman (1982).


Newboys– “Outside the Cage”LP (remastered as a CD in 2003).

Paul Gateshill, John Walsh, Chris Broughton, Dave Finch, Tony Caluori.

1986-88 (?)

Ivor – solo in Scotland.

1991 (tape) and 2002 (CD) 

Veronica Towers – “Promises of Life”.

All songs written by Veronica

1996 (tape) and 2002 (CD)

Veronica Towers –“Light and Shade”

With Bernard Towers, Dudley Ray, Clare Russon and Paul Gateshill. Engineered by John Walsh.


Ivor & Kevan Bundell “Secret Lives”

With Paul Gateshill, Shamini Bundell, Lindsay Brown.


Paul Gateshill – “Years in the Making”

With Veronica Towers, Bethany Friery, Anna Fraser, Charlote Collingwood, Sarah Cooper, Mark Gateshill, Sav Buttacci, Paul White, Pavan Verma, Ivor and Kevan Bundell.

And well worth the wait. Fine and personal songs from many years of undiminished creativity, and wonderful vocalists and instrumentalists to boot !


Ivor & Kevan Bundell – “Stood on the Shore”

With Shamini Bundell, Paul Gateshill, Bethany Friery, Paul McKenna, Paul White.


Veronica Towers – “Rivers of Light”

With Anna Fraser, Bethany Friery, Paul Gateshill. Engineered by John Walsh.


Ivor & Kevan Bundell – “Far as far”

With Shamini Bundell, Paul Gateshill, Paul White, Paul McKenna, Bethany Friery, Mike Daysh, Maria Howell, Anna Frazer, Harry Bundell, Jeremy Clutterbuck.


Ivor Bundell – “Heart and Stone”

With Harry Bundell


Paul Gateshill – “Take my Hand”

With Bethany Friery, Anna Frazer ,Paul White, Sav Buttacci, Mark Gateshill, Kevan Bundell.


40th Anniversary Edition – “Presence” + “Still Present”

The original album, with bonus tracks, plus a compilation album of songs we’ve variously recorded since.


Ivor & Kevan Bundell – “Bright Day”

With Paul Gateshill, Paul White, Paul McKenna, Bev Wood, Cheryl Craven, Chris Sparkes, Rod Jackson, Mike Bunce, Nick Manley, Matt Cross, Joanne & Hannah Furby.

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